
Media statements

27 June 2024

Pace Farm is currently managing an outbreak of avian influenza at its Parkwood site in the ACT. This site includes a farm with chickens, and an egg grading facility.

The teams at the Parkwood site are working with the ACT Government and other relevant authorities to manage the situation, placing a priority on the health and wellbeing of our people, and the welfare of our chickens.

The management of this outbreak, and the outbreak last week at the Hawkesbury site, is in line with well-established national response arrangements to manage an avian influenza outbreak.

Like all poultry and egg farmers across Australia, Pace Farm has been aware of the increasing risk of avian influenza and has biosecurity management plans and processes in place across all its farms to manage an outbreak such as this.

As is being reported widely, eggs and chicken meat are not affected by avian influenza, and both are safe to eat.

We are working with our customers, including supermarkets, food manufacturers and food retailers, to keep them informed, and to manage their demand.

Pace Farm has additional grading capacity at other locations, and we are addressing these options to return to normal supply as soon as possible, while managing the biosecurity risk.

As one of Australia’s largest egg producers, we understand this situation may have an effect on access to eggs for some customers and consumers. We are working as quickly as possible to rectify this situation.

If you have any questions related to this issue, please contact response@pacefarm.com

For media inquiries please contact inquiries@pacefarm.com

24 June 2024

Pace Farm continues to manage an outbreak of avian influenza on its farm in the Hawkesbury region in NSW.

Like all poultry and egg farmers across Australia, Pace Farm has been aware of the increasing risk of Avian Influenza and has biosecurity management plans and processes in place across all its farms to manage an outbreak such as this.

The management team at the Hawkesbury site is working with the NSW Department of Primary Industries and other relevant authorities to manage the situation, placing a priority on the health and wellbeing of our people, and the welfare of our chickens.

The management of this outbreak is in line with well-established national response arrangements to manage an avian influenza outbreak.

We have also increased our biosecurity protocols on all Pace Farm sites to mitigate further risks, and limit the impact on the broader industry.

As one of Australia’s largest egg producers, Pace Farm has a strong network of farms across the Eastern Seaboard and we are working with our customers, including supermarkets, food manufacturers and food retailers, to ensure we are able to meet demand.

As is being reported widely, eggs and chicken meat are not affected by avian influenza and both are safe to eat. We are encouraging consumers to continue enjoying their favourite Pace Farm eggs.

If you have any questions related to this issue, please contact response@pacefarm.com

For media inquiries please contact inquiries@pacefarm.com